WE'RE DOING DECEMBER! Whether you pre-plan your December Daily or create as you go along in the Christmas month; make your own covers or decorate ready-made ones, use Project Life style with plastic sleeves and pockets or create your own pages. Maybe you havent made one before and ask 'I cant think what I'd fill a page with everyday?' We'll help with that! Whatever your style we'd love to see it! Here you will find a seasonal blog open from 1st November to 31st January each year. We hope that this will become a wonderful resource of sharing, prompts and inspiration. What is a December Daily? Its a mini-album recording your daily memories capturing the spirit of December. Bring it out with your decorations each year and remember Christmases past. Scroll down on the right side bar and you will find past December Daily albums of each Designer. Check their 'journey' link too, this will give you some great tips and scroll a little further down and you will see the albums categorised into types for easier searching :) Now - 'Let's December Daily'!

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Lori's Day 20-23

Day 20
Not a lot happened on the 20th, so I decided to document a couple of our decorations that have special meaning to us.

Day 21
 Again, another day that not a lot was going on. I took a photo of our wrapping paper and talked about how it was just a few days before Christmas and I hadn't even started wrapping presents!

Here are both pages together in my album. I'm really hoping to only use one album for this project, but it is getting really full!

Day 22
 Day 22 was a pretty busy day for us. We had to finish up our shopping and I didn't even take any pictures of us while we were out and about. I did want to write down a few thoughts about our shopping experience - because it was such a good day, and to let our family (and anyone who looks at this album) know what we were feeling this holiday season. 

Day 23 - Part 1
 We finally woke up to a little bit of snow! I kept this page very simple to keep the focus on those pretty snow pictures. 

Day 22 and 23 side by side:

I have a couple more layouts for Day 23 and will share those with you in my next post.

We would love to hear how you are doing on your December Daily! Please feel free to share with us in the comments below.

1 comment:

  1. It's coming along fabulously Lori. Just goes to show even when there's not much happening or photos aren't taken, there is still something about December/Christmas that can be scrapped! Love the Snow!! Looks amazing!


Any thoughts? We'd love to know them, please share.....