WE'RE DOING DECEMBER! Whether you pre-plan your December Daily or create as you go along in the Christmas month; make your own covers or decorate ready-made ones, use Project Life style with plastic sleeves and pockets or create your own pages. Maybe you havent made one before and ask 'I cant think what I'd fill a page with everyday?' We'll help with that! Whatever your style we'd love to see it! Here you will find a seasonal blog open from 1st November to 31st January each year. We hope that this will become a wonderful resource of sharing, prompts and inspiration. What is a December Daily? Its a mini-album recording your daily memories capturing the spirit of December. Bring it out with your decorations each year and remember Christmases past. Scroll down on the right side bar and you will find past December Daily albums of each Designer. Check their 'journey' link too, this will give you some great tips and scroll a little further down and you will see the albums categorised into types for easier searching :) Now - 'Let's December Daily'!

Tuesday 1 November 2016


We've woken the blog up and poised ready to start!!!

Are you ready to December Daily!!!
 Join  Jane, Deb, Mandy and Lizzy with your December journey!
So get those Christmas papers and embellishments out...
Take photos of what you've got to work with!

There will be some Mr Linky's set up on the 5th  for you to upload and show off your stash/December Daily's along with us...
And if you are a first time December Daily -er...
We'd love you to join us!
We have four very different albums....with four very different approaches to show you!
Every couple of days... we will update here with something new!

Go grab a container... go to your stash... and start gathering what you'd love to see
in your December Daily!  You know you have them!
Lay those lovely bits out.. and take a pic!
Say hello in the comments below. ... and let us know what you have planned this year.
Let's be as interactive as possible ....
bookmark us or become a follower....

ho ho ho....

Let's December Daily!!


  1. Hello December Daily, I hadn't seen this blog before but have heard about it on FB. I'm happy to follow you and will look forward to posts. Thanks for being here and sharing your work!

    1. Hi KimCreate! Great to have you on board this year. :))

    2. Hi Kim! So glad you've come to check us out! Hopefully you'll create along side us too!

  2. Hi! and welcome......looking forward to having you join us.

  3. Time to think what I'm going to do this year :) Will be gathering my stuff for this and my own Christmas challenge this weekend so I can be prepared and ready for December :)

    1. Look forward to seeing your stash for this year!

  4. Hello Arnoldo! It's great to see you hear again!


Any thoughts? We'd love to know them, please share.....